Not just us doing justice

My Urban Village colleague Trey Hall and I went to the Community Renewal Society’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Faith in Action Assembly on Monday at Kingdom Baptist Church on the west side of the city.  Kristin Holm, the site-team leader for our Wicker Park site, is...

I’ve been thinking a fair amount about sin this week. It started on Sunday. I’ve been reading and reflecting on an adaptation of St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises and the theme this week is “The negative force of sin in the world.” Real...

Tales of a tree

We took down our Christmas decorations yesterday including what was probably our most memorable tree. From the low price we paid ($39 compared to when we used to pay close to $90) to its funky top-heavy look to its tumble to the ground at 4 a.m. one morning, that tree...

…impactful healthy family behaviors. –Email from my kids’ private school. If I’m paying tuition, shouldn’t I expect the school to know that “impactful” isn’t a word?

2012 resolutions

My philosophy about resolutions is to make a lot of them while also not beating myself up if I don’t achieve all (or even most) of them. I know I won’t do all of these things, but, since I’m a baseball fan, I kind of like that the best hitters fail...