One of the best commercials I’ve seen in a long, long time.

Shots from Caroline’s musical last night–“Honk Jr.” In the group shot, Caroline (who played “Beaky”) is kneeling next to “Ugly,” one of the main characters who’s standing with her arms outstretched. A great...

Softball aches and pains

I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning and it wasn’t because I was particularly tired. I blame it on softball. For the first time in nearly 20 years, I’m playing organized softball again. When a member of Urban Village Church first said she was...

In the media

Woke up this morning to a nice article about Urban Village in the Chicago Tribune. What was even more interesting were the responses to it. This was from an atheist blogger from a site called Atheist Nexus. And this was from a blogger on U.S. Catholic. I feel a little...