Call them cheesy, kitschy, superficial if you must, but there are some pieces of “culture” (aka guilty pleasures) in our lives that we secretly love. ABBA is always a good one. The Brady Bunch. People Magazine. The above scene would probably qualify, too....

It was a fascinating day as a father yesterday. This picture was in the Chicago Tribune yesterday as my daughter was captured participating in the 100th birthday celebration for the Girl Scouts. I, of course, put it on my Facebook page and allowed the world to revel...


A few weeks ago, I was grumbling about the lack of a real winter and it’s still freakishly warm in March here, but it certainly doesn’t do me any good to complain about that. Instead about an hour ago, my daughter asked me to play catch. There’s a...

Body language

A 4th-century rabbi once declared that it was right and good that a person should say this blessing after using the restroom (or whatever the restroom was called in the 4th century): “Blessed is He who has formed man in wisdom and created in him many orifices...