When I think about it, I’m a fairly tepid thank-you’er. Don’t get me wrong. I try to be very grateful. I say thank you when receiving a gift (of the physical or emotional kind). But they tend to be subdued “thank yous.” Contrast this with...

Desolation and email

I may have mentioned before that I’m a fan of St. Ignatius (the actual saint, not a school) and his spirituality. The Spiritual Exercises and Daily Examen have both been foundational for my prayer life. Ignatius talks about having moments of consolation (a...

This is how you lock a bike. This is taken at the Working Bikes Cooperative, where I was yesterday buying a used bicycle. My bike was stolen about six weeks ago. It was my second bike taken at the hands of bike thieves since moving into the city and they were both...

Sunday preview: No more hiding from Halloween

The first doorbell rang at about 4:30. I was down in our basement (which is where my office is) and my first instinct was not to walk up to start handing out candy, but, instead, to see if perhaps there was a trapdoor I was unfamiliar with that would lead to a hiding...