Farewell from Trey Hall (or, as the British say it, Cheerio) from Christian Coon on Vimeo.
Many of you know by now that Trey Hall, the other co-founder of UVC, will be moving to England at the end of this month. This Sunday is his last worship service and he has a farewell message to the people of River North.
Three ways you can help the South Loop launch this week. First, help wrap gifts at The Maxwell. Second, sign up for flyering on Dec. 29. You can do both of those here: bit.ly/southloopoutreach Third, go to the UVC-RN Facebook page and grab a cover photo or profile photo and put it on your own Facebook page: facebook.com/Urban-Village-Church-River-North-835790453102532/
Two Christmas Eve (Eve) options for you:
We’re making final budget decisions for 2016. If you haven’t yet pledged to UVC, please do so here: urbanvillagechurch.org/give
There’s a mini-mission trip to Detroit over Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., weekend: Detroit Mission Trip
When: January 15-18
Where: Detroit, MI
Cost: Estimated at $75
Contact: Allen Bower, allen@urbanvillagechurch.org