CTA adventures:
I was taking the Green Line to church this morning when a gentleman approached me…
Him: “What’s that book about? Church?”
Me (I’m re-reading Barbara Brown Taylor’s “Leaving Church,” her memoir of leaving the pastoral ministry which I know on the one hand makes sense since I’ll be doing the same thing but is also kind of weird since I’m reading it while actually going to church.
): “It’s about a pastor–“

Him: “It’s a book about church?”
Me: “Yes.”
Him (eyes wide): “And you’ve read that much of it?”
Me (I’m about 3/4 of the way through): “Yes, I guess so.”
Him: “That’s impressive. You could be a bishop or something.”
Me: (making a sound that combines laughter with a gasp of horror): “No, I don’t think so.”
Him: “That’s a lot of reading.” He then goes on to say he is going to go to church that day and he walks by me, offers his fist for a fist bump and says, “Keep it up.”
Criticize the CTA system all you’d like, but angels still ride the trains. At least on the Green Line.