Practicing what I preach

Practicing what I preach

I’m not exactly sure where the phrase “practice what you preach” came from (the internet tells me maybe Matthew 23:3 or maybe “The Merchant of Venice” or maybe a translation of a phrase from the philosopher Seneca), but certainly the...
Glass houses

Glass houses

Some of you know that I’ve shifted my job responsibilities at Urban Village and am now the Pastor of Emerging Ministries. One of my main tasks is to explore creative ways UVC might connect to the areas our sites are located. My biggest project in this new job is...
Take a (gentle) leap

Take a (gentle) leap

There was one magic week this summer where no one in our family had a conflict so before my daughter heads off to college this fall, we decided to take a family vacation to a somewhat exotic location. After doing some exhaustive research (that is, Googling “fun...
Are you OK?

Are you OK?

My son has gotten into indoor rock climbing in recent months so about once a week, my wife or I take him to a climbing gym on the north side of the city where he can scale to his heart’s content. I usually just stick around and go to a nearby coffee place and...