March 10, Theme text, Matthew 26:36-46: To whom do you relate in this story, Jesus or the disciples?
March 11, Luke 9:28-36: Jesus first took Peter, James, and John with him to a separate place and this scene is very different than the one in yesterday’s reading. What does this scene look like in your imagination?
March 12, Matthew 20:20-23: James and John take center stage this time and make a bold request: To sit with Jesus when he comes in glory. Are they willing to drink from the cup? To sacrifice? Are we?
March 13, Genesis 17:1-8: Jesus falls on the ground in Matt 26:36-46. Notice that Abram does the same in verse 3 in our text today. Have you felt so overwhelmed that you’ve done the same?
March 14, Matthew 6:5-15: This prayer get said so often that it may seem too familiar. But Jesus teaches us (and prays it in our theme text for the week) to say, “Your will be done.” What does that mean in your own life?
March 15, Hebrews 5:7-9: A reminder of Jesus’ humanity.
March 16, Psalm 51:10-12: One hope of prayer–to have clean hearts and new spirits.