Put a puppy on your tummy and other health tips, courtesy of John Wesley
This is fascinating and hilarious. I’m preparing for a sermon on January 6 and was doing some reading on spiritual and physical wholeness courtesy of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, and an early advocate that these two things need to go together. This is a great article that shows how Wesley was ahead of his time (he lived in the 18th century). Some of his advice is quite helpful and others…very 18th century:
On diet: “All pickled, or smoked, or salted food, and all high-seasoned, is unwholesome.” (though he wasn’t a fan of “malt liquors” for tender persons and coffee and tea for those who have “weak nerves.”)
On exercise: “Walking is the best exercise for those who are able to bear it; riding for those who are not. The open air, when the weather is fair, contributes much to the benefit of exercise.”
Remedies for specific ailments (The Iliac Passion, i.e. obstructed bowel): “Apply warm flannels soaked in spirits of wine or, hold a live puppy constantly on the belly.”