I know Seasonal Affective Disorder is typically referenced when people miss the sun during winter. But I’m wondering, is there such a thing as feeling a bit out of sorts when there’s too much warmth in the winter? Is it possible to miss snow and cold?  Snow Affective Disorder? If so, I think I have it.

I don’t like mid-50s on Jan. 31. I don’t like 40s the first few days of February. Maybe it’s because I was born in January and that I’m a Midwesterner, but I like a smattering of sub-zero days and a foot of snow every now and again. I like snow cover and wearing boots and a fire in the fireplace and wondering if I can get out my cross-country. I’m not starting a fire when it’s 55.

I realize I’m in the minority, but fellow Snow Affective Disorder sufferers, let us unite! And move to Winnipeg!