There are so many blogs out there that I tend to throw up my hands and not follow that many (except mine, of course, which I think you should definitely follow), but I have found myself reading anything that Christian Piatt writes. I’ve wondered why that is until he wrote a post a couple of weeks ago and I figured it out. He writes a lot of lists, as in the one that made me say, a-ha: Top 10 Reasons Christians Like Top 10 Lists About Christians. 

We like lists, which has inspired me to write my own and maybe in an effort to increase readership on my blog, I’ll write more. To start things off…

Top 5 Ways You Can Kickstart Your Prayer Life

1. Be realistic. If you haven’t prayed much (or at all) in recent months or years, start slow. You may be able to jump right in by praying an hour a day, but it’s more likely you could start with 5 minutes.

2. Start with the Psalms. If the Bible really intimidates you and you don’t know where to start, take a Bible, search a bit to the left of the middle, and start reading the psalms. You will find some wonderfully raw, beautiful and honest prayers here. Not all of them will make sense, but it’s a good place to start. Read one twice through.

3. Buy a journal/notebook. If you have a hard time being silent before your mind starts wondering what acts you’re going to see at Lollapalooza this weekend, write your prayers down. Be totally vulnerable. God’s heard it all.

4. Consider the Examen. It’s an ancient way of praying that combines thanksgiving, confession, and review of your day. Here’s an overview.

5. Try a devotional. If you need some structure, try a devotional. There are lots of them out there. Try the Upper Room Online if you’re just starting out or anything by Rueben Job if you want to try something for a bit longer. I’m currently using “When You Pray: Daily Practices for Prayerful Living.”

So there’s your list. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to contact me and I can elaborate on any of them. And I promise not to talk in bullet points.