It would be a challenge for me to come up with the Top 3 Reasons Why I Love Living in Chicago, only because there are so many to choose from. Coming up with the Top 3 Reasons Why Living in Chicago Can Be a Pain is a lot easier. Number 1 is driving in the city. Number 2 would probably have to be driving in the city and number 3 would be…hmmm….I’d say driving in the city. The fact that we have a minivan (a vestige of our days of living in the suburbs) doesn’t make it any easier. 

Construction is one factor in this, of course. It seems like there’s always some key asphalt artery that’s being resurfaced or torn up, which snarls traffic even more. Chicago is perpetually under construction. That fact gave us a clue as to what our next sermon series should be about because, in a sense, we’re all perpetually under construction.

Over the next six weeks at our Andersonville and Downtown sites, we’ll be assembling “toolkits” to assist our own life construction and we’ll be using UVC’s core values to help us. Can the values of being bold, inclusive, and relevant relate to our own lives? How can the practices of gathering, growing, and giving form our faith, our relationships, our daily to-dos?

Construction isn’t always easy and, as we well know, can take time and be a bit rough, but when you have the right tools and stick with it, it takes us from grumbling to gratitude.